
Unveiling the Beauty: Conservation Work on Hearst Castle’s Flemish Tapestries

SAN SIMEON, CA, JULY 25, 2024 —

The ongoing FHC-funded conservation work on the three magnificent Flemish tapestries in the Hearst Castle Theater lobby is progressing beautifully. We’re excited to share that the first tapestry, “The Burning of the Numidian Camp,” has been completed and is ready for re-installation.

Currently, conservation efforts are focused on the second tapestry, “The Conference of Scipio and Hannibal.” Textile conservator Ann Svenson is meticulously working on this piece, uncovering incredible details, particularly in the sections featuring woven gold.

We’ve captured a series of photographs to illustrate the painstaking conservation process, starting with an overall view of the tapestry and zooming in until only a single strand of gold is visible.

These images showcase the intricate process of creating gold “thread” in the 16th century. Artisans would wrap incredibly thin strips of gold around silk fibers, which were then woven into or affixed to the tapestries. The craftsmanship and patience required for this task are truly beyond imagination!

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to preserve and celebrate these historic treasures.

About The Foundation at Hearst Castle

Established in 1985, The Foundation at Hearst Castle (formerly called Friends of Hearst Castle) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit cooperating association affiliated with Hearst San Simeon State Historical Monument® and the San Luis Obispo Coast District of California State Parks.

Through membership and fundraising, The Foundation supports educational, interpretive, and preservation programs for Hearst Castle and California State Parks. Through the Foundation, businesses, philanthropic organizations, and individuals can provide support and engagement with Hearst Castle.

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The Foundation at Hearst Castle is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit association affiliated with Hearst San Simeon State Historical Monument® and the San Luis Obispo Coast District of California State Parks. EIN 77-0068533.