Following the two-year closure of Hearst Castle, only members of The Foundation at Hearst Castle and their guests may swim in the Neptune Pool. A handful of charitable swim experiences are scheduled for 2022, limited to 40 guests each, so make your reservation today.
Hollywood at Hearst Castle Neptune Pool Swim: Saturday, August 19, 2023
Following the two-year closure of Hearst Castle, only members of The Foundation at Hearst Castle and their guests may swim in the Neptune Pool. A handful of charitable swim experiences are scheduled for 2022, limited to 40 guests each, so make your reservation today.
Dinner & A Movie: Sunday, Aug 28, 2022
Enjoy an intimate, seated dinner paired with fine wine and followed by a film screened in Hearst Castle’s private theater lit by golden goddesses all along the red damask walls.
Dinner & A Movie: Friday, Aug 19, 2022
Enjoy an intimate, seated dinner paired with fine wine and followed by a film screened in Hearst Castle’s private theater lit by golden goddesses all along the red damask walls.
Neptune Pool Swim: Sunday, Aug 14, 2022
Following the two-year closure of Hearst Castle, only members of The Foundation at Hearst Castle and their guests may swim in the Neptune Pool. A handful of charitable swim experiences are scheduled for 2022, limited to 40 guests each, so make your reservation today.
Neptune Pool Swim: Saturday, Aug 13, 2022
Following the two-year closure of Hearst Castle, only members of The Foundation at Hearst Castle and their guests may swim in the Neptune Pool. A handful of charitable swim experiences are scheduled for 2022, limited to 40 guests each, so make your reservation today.
Twilight on the Terrace: A Grand Reopening Celebration
In celebration of Hearst Castle’s reopening, sip outstanding wine and craft brews, and savor epicurean delights with live music at the Central Coast’s most anticipated charitable event of the year: Twilight on the Terrace.
Julia Morgan: San Simeon and Beyond (Part 3)
Victoria will provide a detailed look at San Simeon, as well as examine several other major commissions that Julia undertook at the same time. She’ll analyze Julia’s relationship with W. R. Hearst, quoting extensively from their voluminous correspondence.
Julia Morgan: A California Architect (Part 2)
Victoria will reveal some of the challenges Julia faced on her return to the San Francisco Bay Area, where she began her architectural career in 1902. She’ll examine many of her notable projects, including Julia’s early commissions from Phoebe Apperson Hearst and William Randolph Hearst.